rambling thoughts

Friday, February 24, 2006

Recently, I have had a lot on my mind. I am supposed to do so many things at the same time which add to my exhilaration as well as my anxiety. I feel extremely lucky to have some really special well wishers in my life whose support will always be cherished.
They have faith in me and their encouraging words have strengthened me when I was on the verge of a complete breakdown.
My heartiest gratitude to all those who have stood by me. Although only a handful actually know what they mean to me and I know most of them will not even have a chance of reading this entry,still I believe words are mighty enough to reach those for whom they are meant for.
Sometimes when I wonder about love, I get a bit flustered.Isn't it bizzare that I consider my family to be my first and my students come a close second. Teaching should have been second but strangely enough the order has been reversed.
Most of the time love is reciprocated. I never knew I would receive so much of it.At times I feel I am not extending as much as I am gathering from all corners.
I am sure I titled my blog correctly. Rambling thoughts. Just jumbled up so many ideas. One of these days I would sure like to write about my life.If I wrote everything,it would shock all who know me.