Thursday, January 26, 2006

Net Frustration

My experience with internet,if termed in polite language can be called 'frustrating'.The time consumed and the hours spent trying to wait for the website to open is too much for my impatient disposition.Nevertheless todays experience with blogging has left me in awe of the bounds and leaps that technology has taken.The list of interjections for the occassion is quite long.Although creating an account is extremely easy but having a tendency of attracting mishaps I accidentally closed the window. All my efforts went down the drain. On the other hand I believe patience is a virtue that I will be learning through my frequent use of the ne


Blogger John Powers said...

RIJA, I'm so glad you're blogging.

You don't know me from Adam, and I'm sure there's something strange at first about getting comments out of the blue like this. I found your blog through a comment you left at Think: Lab.

That comment could easily be a blog post on your blog! There's real power in the conversations: resources and ideas you wouldn't discover otherwise.

I started a blog for a kind of silly reason. My 50th birthday was coming up and there was anxiety on my part because other friends threw such expensive parties, and I would not. I used the blog to suggest my friends give money to a friend in Africa to buy a computer.

That was the reason I started a blog. What I discovered was my friends weren't reading it, but other people interested in development in Africa were. For the first time I didn't feel issolated in my activities. So much good has come from people I've never met and probably never will face to face.

The same can happen to you. Sometimes, as strange as it seems, teachers find themselves alone in what they do. Blogs can help you connect and get support along with great ideas.

5:44 PM  

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